Antrenori certificati international

Toti antrenorii Star Tennis sunt calificati profesional pentru categoria de varsta 10 & under, juniori si adulti dar cea mai importanta valoare a antrenorilor nostri este experienta. Echipa este formata din fosti tenismeni de performanta, cu atestate locale si internationale  FRT si PTR si vorbitori fluenti de limba engleza si germana. Toate superstarurile noastre au cunostinte solide de tenis, sunt entuziasti, gata oricand sa impartaseasca cu tine experienta lor bogata ca si jucatori si pasiunea pentru joc ca tu sa iti atingi obiectivele de tenis.

Andrei Bucur

Antrenor de tenis

Stefan Saftoiu

Antrenor / The Crusher

Raluca Alexandra

Antrenor - The Sirene

Florin Stoica

Fondator/ Antrenor Principal/ El Maestro

Miruna Tudor

Co-Fondatoare/ Antrenoare Principala/ The Artist


referințe ale clienților

Nicoleta NitaNicoleta Nita
08:40 11 Oct 22
Great team! I’m really happy for my progress thanks to the coaches. They can explain you easily how to reduce your mistakes and improve your tennis skills.
Yuliia SkorykYuliia Skoryk
13:31 17 Jul 22
Want to say thank you for todays training with Stefan, it was so easy to understand my mistakes and improve my technique. Have even more desire now to keep going?
Diana StafieDiana Stafie
07:01 04 Oct 21
A good team of coaches suitable for both children and adults. My daughter and I enjoyed lessons with Florin, Stefan & Andrei. I also aprreciate their communication style and the fast pace of response.
Arjuna VamathevaArjuna Vamatheva
18:25 22 Jun 21
I had a tennis lesson today with Stefan. He is a very good player and a great coach. He is truly a wall and makes hardly a mistake. He is also able to explain you how to perfect your shots and reduce the mistakes, resp. hit shots with margin. It was a very good tennis lesson and I am looking forward to the next one! ?
Andreea MarciucAndreea Marciuc
16:19 01 Aug 20
I have been impressed with the diversity, the versatility and the experience of Star Tennis Winner Club coaching team. They have a variety of programs (taught în Romanian, German and English) suitable for all levels of playing, members tournaments, tennis gift vouchers, and high quality clay court rentals. The team is lead by Florin Stoica, a very professional lead coach. After one year of taking lessons with Star Tennis coaching team I m now able to win beginners tournaments and hopefully I will move to the next level. Thank you Star Tennis Club you are the best!




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